n. heaven
n. sky
n. 1. heaven, sky. Ang lángit gibuti sa mga bitúun, The sky is pock-marked with stars; 2. joy, happiness. Lángit ka sa ákung panan-aw, You are a joy to my sight. ikapitung — the last tier of heaven where perfect happiness is to be found. Dad-un ku ikaw sa ikapitung lángit, I’ll bring you to the seventh heaven of happiness; v. go to heaven. Ikaw kay makasasálà, dílì ka malangit, You, who are a sinner, will not go to heaven. kità ug — v. experience the most painful sensation of one’s life, esp. pain in childbirth. Nakakità na siyag lángit sa íyang pagpanganak, She experienced the most painful sensation of her life when she gave birth. ka-an n. skies. -nun a. pertaining to heaven. Langitnung kaháyag, A heavenly light. langitlángit n. 1. egg white; 2. canopy of an altar or bed; 2a. — sa muskitíru top of a mosquito net. langitlangit see langitlángit, 1.