v. 1. melt, become soft Naglánay ku ug tinggà pára gam-ung pamatu, I am melting lead to make into a sinker. Naglanay ang mantikilya, The butter is soft; 2. — ang atay get flattered. Milánay ang íyang atay pag-ingun nákung gwápa siya, She swelled with pride when I told her she was pretty. (→) a. 1. soft, partially melted. Itì nga lanay, Soft and watery droppings of fowl; 3. — ug tíngug for the voice to be flat in tone, not full, as if cracked. Way kaláking pamináwun ang lanay nga tíngug, A flat voice is not pleasant to listen to; v. 1. for the voice to become flat. — ug sinultihan a. way of speaking characterized by a slow and slurring intonation, not brisk; v. for the manner of speaking to be slow and slurring in intonation.