v. 1. scrub, wipe with force to clean something Nalimpiyu ang pansayan human siya makalampurnas niíni, The comfort room looked spotless after she scrubbed it. 1a. clean something by splashing water over it. Nakalampurnas na ku sa banyu, I have already splashed water to clean the bathroom; 2. destroy; 2a. beat heavily. Ang way kalúuyng igsúun naglampurnas níya sa gamay lang sayup, His heartless brother beat him mercilessly for the slightest mistake; 2b. badly beaten in games. Ilampurnas lang nang inyung tím nga bayat sa iláha, Their team will just trounce your inept team; 2c. be struck by a severe storm. Nangalúad ang káhuy nga gilampurnas sa bagyu, The trees that were battered by the storm were uprooted; 2d. wipe off or out swiftly. Gilampurnas lang ang mga pagkáun nga gidū́t sa pista, The food that was served at the fiesta was rapidly wiped out; 2e. throw something to the ground with force. Íyang ilampurnas ang mga kaldírug way sud-an, He’ll smash the pots on the floor if there’s no food; 2f. pet torridly with a girl (slang). Gilampurnas níya ang íyang trátu sa sinihan, He petted frantically with his girl friend in the movie house; n. scrubbing. Way lampurnas ang ílang salug, Their floor has not been scrubbed.