v. 1. confine an animal for the purpose of controlling its food prior to slaughtering. Lamíngun ang alimángug mga simána únà lutúa, They keep mud crabs and feed them a special food about a week before they cook them; 1a. do a similar thing to people. Iláming sa duktur ang pasiyinti sa dì pa upirahan, The doctor will confine the patient and put him on a special diet before he operates; 2. keep something in confinement. Kadtung íyang pagsiyágit didtu ra maláming sa íyang kinahiladman, He kept his shouts stifled in his innermost being. Naláming silang tanan sulud sa balay, They were all kept imprisoned in the house; 2a. in the game of tubigtúbig, imprison players in one of the squares; n. animal that had been kept confined prior to slaughter. (→) see láming, n. -an(→) n. 1. the first two squares the players at play enter in the game of tubigtúbig; 2. the player guarding these squares.