n. 1. cord made of cotton strings twisted together. Lambu ang ibáat sa putus kay lig-un, Use cord for tying the bundle because it’s strong; 2. fishing line made from such cord. paN- v. catch fish with a hook and line made of lambu dragged behind the boat.
a. growing lush and tall, prospering; v. 1. for plants to grow lush and tall. Milambù ang tanum nga giabunúhan, The fertilized plants grew lush; 2. prosper, flourish. Milambù sa ngadtungadtu ang íyang nigusyu, His business flourished with time; 3. for good feelings to grow in time. Sa kadugáyan nilambù ang ákung pagbátì níya, With time, my feelings for her grew intense. -anan n. a place where something flourishes. Lambuánan sa mga yawan-ung hunàhúnà, Place where evil thoughts flourish. ka-an n. prosperity. Álang sa kalambúan sa násud, For our nation’s progress. ka-an(→) n. advancement, growth. Way kalambuan ang ímung paningúhà kaníya, Your romantic efforts have made no progress whatsoever. ma-un a. growing luxuriantly and tall.