maáyung — have exceptional ability. Maáyung láki si Maríya sa ininglis, Maria has exceptional ability in English. ka- n. 1. ability, skill. Pwirtig kaláki níya sa karáti, He is very skilled in karate; 1a. extraordinary ability of supernatural origin. May kaláki siyang makatihul samtang mag-inum, He has the ability of whistling while drinking; 1b. walay — no good. Way kaláki ang pagkáun dinhi, The food here is no good; 2. course of action, maneuver. Ug dì ta mangampanya, masíru giyud ta íning kalakíha, If we don’t campaign we will get no votes in this race. Maprísu ta ánang kalakíha nímu, We might land in jail with those plans of yours; 3. doings, usually evil. Unsa tung inyung kaláki sa Manílà? What was going on in Manila? 3a. way one does things. Kanúnay kang malít ug mau nang kalakíha, You’ll never be on time if that’s the way you do things; 3b. unsay ka- how are things? Unsay kaláki run bay? How are things, pal? v. 1. find ways and means to remedy a problem. Akuy mukaláki (mupakaláki, mangaláki) niíni arun dílì magkúlang, I’ll do something so that this will be enough for all of us. Kalakíha ri ug mahímù pa ba ning pawuntin ping daut, See if you can do something with this broken fountain pen to make it work; 2. do something one shouldn’t be doing. Nagkaláki (nagpakaláki) ka dihag languylánguy ug malumus ka, You dare to swim where you shouldn’t be. You might drown. Kaláki (pakaláki) kag mulumakinilya ug sakpan ka sa tag-íya, Better stop playing with that typewriter. The owner might catch you. paka- v. 1, 2. see kaláki, v; 3. do one’s best. Magpakaláki giyud aku sa pagtuun, I’ll do my best in my studies. kalakíhan a. having an extraordinary ability of supernatural origin.
n. 1. male animal or plant; 2. descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to different species or varieties. The thorny and/or smaller variety or species is called laki, as opposed to a larger and smoother species or variety called bayi ‘female’. 3. paramour; v. 1. have male offspring; 2. see laláki, v. (←) n. see laláki; v. turn out to be a boy. Maáyu untag maláki ning ákung gisabak, It would be nice if my baby turned out to be a boy! laláki n. 1. human male. Laláki kaáyu siyang manlihuklihuk, He acts all man; 2. paramour. Pusilun ku ang laláki sa ákung asáwa, I’ll kill my wife’s paramour; 3. -ng búhat acting in a way proper to a man. Mu nay láking búhat nga makig-áwayg babáyi? Is that what a gentleman does—quarrel with a woman? 4. mau nay — Atta boy, that’s the way you ought to do it (said only to males). la-(←), panla-, panla-(←) v. have a paramour. Nanglaláki (naglalaki) ang íyang asáwa, His wife has a paramour. Gipanglalaki (gilalaki) níya ang íyang humagbus, She took her stepson for a lover. -in-(←) a. done like a male; man-like. Lináki ang íyang tupi, She has a man’s haircut; v. do things like a male. Mulináki ku ug ímu kung suhúlan, I’ll act like a man if you pay me. Ilináki (linakíha) ang ímung pagbayhun arun dì ka hiilhan nga báyut, Carry yourself like a man so people won’t recognize that you’re a fairy. -in- n. 1. man’s bicycle; 2. riding astraddle like a man; v. ride astride an animal or vehicle. Maglinaki ku pagbakráyid sa mútur, I’m going to ride astride the back of the motorcycle. pakala-(←) v. act like a man, consider, treat like a man. Kinahanglan kang magpakalaláki arun dì ka ingnung báyut, You have to act like a man so they won’t call you scared of women. kalalakin-an n. 1. the menfolk as a group; 2. see tag-(←). lakin-un a. a female that acts like a male, tomboy. tag-(←), taglakin-an, taglalakin-an n. the groom’s relatives at the wedding.
see laki.