a. careless, not giving something its proper attention; v. 1. do something without proper care. Mulagdas (mupalagdas) lang nag higdà bísan ása, He lies down any old place. Hikaiktan kay naglagdas man lag sulti, He got scolded because he spoke without thinking. Gipalagdásan (gilagdásan) lang níla ang nigusyu maung nabangkarúta, They just let their business go, so it went bankrupt; 2. be any old place, everywhere. Gibutangan nákug hilu ánang gabíi. Pagkabuntag nanglagdas na ang ilagà, I put out poison for the rats that night, and in the morning the rats were scattered all over the place; 3. see pa-, 1. pa- v. 1. stay in a place without moving away, though there may be good reason to settle elsewhere. Mupalagdas (magpalagdas) lang ku sa ámù kay mahadluk kung mulangyaw, I’ll stay in our place forever because I’m afraid to migrate; 2. fish with the palagdas set s.w; n. fishing with a pole which is left alone s.w. and tended only when something bites. pama- v. put in an application s.w. on a slim chance. Mamalagdas lang kug aplay dihà básin pag dawátun, I’ll try my luck in applying in case I am accepted.