a. 1. for a person to be old. Dalágang lagas, Old maid; 2. for corn to ripen. Lagas na ang mais. Sanggiun na, The corn is mature, ready for harvesting; 3. withered, shriveled up to the point that it falls off the stem. Nagkayamúkat ang nataran sa lagas, The yard is untidy with all the fallen leaves; 4. having spent long s.w. Lagas na ku dinhi sa Pilipínas, I’ve spent a long time here in the Philippines; v. 1. for a person to become old. Mulagas (malagas) kag dalì ug maghínay kag panuyù, You’ll age fast if you are always angry; 2. for corn to mature, be ready for harvest; 2a. be overtaken by the ripening of corn. Malagasan ka na lang ánang ímung gitanum, dílì ka pa makaamural, Those corn seedlings will be ready for harvest before you get around to proposing; 3. for leaves, fruits to wither and fall off; cause them to do so. Yugyúga ang mansanítas arun mulagas (malagas) ang mga búnga ug dáhun, Shake the tree so that its dried leaves and fruits will fall off; 4. for a period of time to come to an end. Maghinayhínay na kug panghípus kay nagkalagas na ang adlaw, I had better begin packing up as the day is coming to an end.
v. 1. pursue, run after. Nakalagas ku sa trák kay gilabyan lang ku, I was forced to run after the truck because it just passed me by. 2. get caught up with. Diin ka hilagasi? Where did they catch up with you?