n. display
v. 1. spread soaped white clothes under the sun to bleach them. Nagladlad siya sa íyang mga sinabunan sa kasagbutan, She spread the soaped clothes on the grass. Ang mga dikulur ayaw iladlad, Don’t spread the colored things out to bleach; 2. spread for display. Iladlad ang mga baligyà sa asíras, Spread the goods to display them on the sidewalk. Dílì ángay iladlad ang láwas sa publiku, It is not proper to display your body to the public; 2a. show, present, tell. Miladlad siya sa ákung angsu nga kagahápun, She spread the smelly details of my past out for the public to enjoy; 3. set a fishline or net. Dì ta muladlad sa pukut sa duha ka dupa kay mabaw ra, We will not set the net at two fathoms because it’s a bit too shallow; n. goods laid out on the sidewalk for display. Kining guntínga didtu níya mapalit sa ladlad, She bought this pair of scissors from a sidewalk vendor. -in- n. soaped clothes spread for bleaching.