n. 1. welt. Dílà ra ang walay labud nímu, I’ll beat every inch of you. (Lit. only your tongue will escape welts.) 2. kind of millipede, about 5″ long and an inch around, found in moist earth. The body is covered with a hard, black shell divided into thin segments which go around the body and overlap. It does not bite but secretes a clear yellow substance which burns the skin and may blind the eyes; 3. lies designed to convince someone (slang). Dì ku mutúu nímu kay labud nà, I don’t believe you, because that is nothing more than big talk; v. 1. get welts on. Nanglabud (gipalabdan) ang ákung bukubuku, My back has welts all over it. 2. infested with millipedes. Gilabud ang sílung sa ámung balay, The area under our house is full of millipeds; 3. convince someone with lies (slang). Nakalabud siya sa íyang asáwa nga pasurúyun, He told his wife some tall stories so she would let him go out.