kwartang ma- sure, easy money. Kwartang malabu ug maáyu kang ahinti, láway ray puhúnan, It’s sure money if you’re a good sales agent. All you need for capital is yourself (lit. your saliva).
a. 1. for ripe fruit, cooked root crops, and squash to have a dry and consistent texture of meat without being soggy; 2. for skin to be dry; v. 1. get to have a dry and consistent texture; 2. get dry skin. Mulabu ang pánit sa síging kalígù, A person who always goes swimming will get dry skin.
v. 1. sink deeply. Milábu ang ayis pik sa dughan ni Kindi, The ice pick sank deep into Candy’s breast. Mu ra ka man ug bairan nga nalábu sa lápuk, You take forever to come back when I send you s.w. (Lit. You are like a whetstone thrown into the mud and fail to come up.) 2. throw overboard. Ang mga ismaglir naglábu sa ílang mga karga samtang gibugtaw sa taga kustum, The smugglers jettisoned their cargo when the customs men pursued them; 3. go into a woman. Kinsa na sad kahay mulábu (mupalábu) niánang bayhana karung gabíi? I wonder who will use that woman tonight; 4. for garments to become loose-fitting and flapping. Milábu (nalábu) ang íyang mga sinínà karung daut na siya, Her clothing has gotten loose now that she lost weight; n. depth of something sunk in. Usa giyud ka pulgáda ang lábu sa lansang sa íyang lapalapa, The nail sank 1″ into the sole of his foot. pa- n. kind of net fishing whereby the net is spread before the sun sets and hauled in some hours later, but before the sun rises; v. go net fishing in this way.
v. fool someone by flattery or lies. Nalábu sa kandidátu ang mga pumipilì, nakadaug giyud, The voters were fooled by the candidate, so he won. — líbà, — kasuy n. something said to fool someone Lábu líbà (kasuy) lang ang mga pasálig sa tinuryu, The Don Juan’s promises are designed to deceive. linabúhan, pinanglabúhan n. something gained by flattery or deceit. -um-r- a. flatterer, deceiver.
v. for fish to run in schools. Mulábu ang mga isdà sa ímung tungud kun patungdan mug sugà, Fish gather in throngs beneath you if you beam a light down into the water. Ang paun nga íyang gisabúlak mauy nakalábu (nakapalábu) sa mga isdà, The bait that he sprinkled around in the water made the fish gather in schools; n. school of fish, throng of people.
see labu, v2.
v. for vision to get blurred; cause it to do so. Milábù ang íyang mga mata sa lúhà, Her vision was blurred with tears.
v. grow thick and lush. Mulábù ang mga tanum kun hambúkan, Plants will grow thick and lush if you loosen the soil around the base; a. lush, thick in growth. Lábù ug kílay, Thick eyebrows.