a. 1. monotonous, wearingly boring. Láay kaáyu ning wà tay búhat, It is so dull to be without anything to do. Láay kaáyu ang pagpaábut, It is very boring just to wait around; 2. disgusting, disappointing in that one doesn’t conform to what is expected of him. Laáya nímu uy, ingun ka palitan ku nímug sapátus, How disgusting! You promised to buy shoes for me (but you didn’t). Kaláay bayang Nína, gipanabì diay níya ang ákung sikrítu, How disgusting of Nina. She told my secret to everybody; v. be boring, feel bored. Nagkalaay na ning trabahúa kay mu ra gihápun, This work is getting boring because it is always the same thing. Mipaúlì na lang siya kay gilaáyan nag pinaábut nímu, He just went home. He got tired of waiting for you. (→) n. a variety of corn that takes a long time to mature. laaylaay v. while away time or do something for the meantime. Samtang magpaábut ku mulaaylaay lang kug gansilyu, While I’m waiting, I’ll while away the time crocheting. Gilaaylaayan ku lang nig búhat, nahuman na giyud, I just did this little by little during my spare time, and now it’s finished. ka-(→) see laaylaay. ka- n. boredom.