v. 1. play a joke on, tease someone with something fabricated. Ayawg hílak. Nagkumídiya ra bítaw ku, Don’t cry. I was only joking. Kumidiyáhi siyag itsa ug dinamíta nga dì mubutu, Play a joke on him by throwing a stick of dynamite at him that won’t go off; 2. bluff someone Kumidiyáhi ang bátà nga dì ta mulakaw arun dì mukúyug, Fool the child into thinking that we aren’t going out so he won’t want to come with us. 3. for supernatural beings to play a prank or cause harm to someone Nabúrut ang íyang tiyan kay gikumidiyáhan sa dílì ingun nátù, His stomach swelled because the spirits played a practical joke on him; n. 1. joke played on someone 2. something bad that happens to one brought on by a supernatural being. -nti a. given to playing jokes or doing things to make people laugh; n. minor character in a play or movie whose role is to make people laugh; v. become a comedian or a person who does things to make people laugh. Angayan kang magkumidiyanti kay muut kag nawung, You’d make a good comedian because you’ve got a funny face.