n. a woman who has one of the following relations to one: she is the mother, godmother, or mother-in-law of children to whom one also is a parent or godparent (but not one’s wife). Kumári ku si Kurdaping sa tulu ka higayun: inahan siya sa ákung kinúgus, ug sa ákung linudhan, ug sa ákung binaláyi. Aku sad kumári níya, Cordaping is my kumári on three grounds: she is the mother of my godson, and of another son whom I sponsored in marriage, and the mother of my daughter-in-law. And for that reason I am also her kumári; a. term of address to a person with whom one has a relation of kumári. b. friendly term of address to a woman of one’s own generation with whom one is familiar. Short form: mari. Kumusta mari? How are you, dear? v. 1. be in the kumári relationship. Gikakumári ku si Imilda kay siyay nagkúgus sa ákù pung gikúgus, Imelda became my kumári because she sponsored a baby which I also sponsored; 2. call someone by this title. Ayaw kug kulukumaríha dihà. Dì ka makapangútang nákù, Don’t bother calling me kumári. You can’t borrow another cent from me. — kumablit n. a godmother who has some clandestine relationship with the father of her godchild.