v. dig away dirt scooping it with the hands or with a similar motion using an instrument. Gikubkub sa irù ang gilubung níyang bukug, The dog dug up the bones he had buried. Ilang kubkúbun (kubkúban) ang daplin sa sapà arun mutubig, They will dig a shallow hole next to the river to get water; n. shallow well made by scooping sand out in the vicinity of the river, seashore, or above an underground spring. -ay n. kind of narrow spade or a long pole used to dislodge rocks. -un(→) a. something one can easily scoop out to dig a hole.
n. purse seine or impounding net used to catch fishes that run in schools. The school is surrounded with the net which is then pursed at the bottom. paN- v. catch with the kubkub net.