Meaning of kuan



what you call it



1. pause word used to fill in when the speaker cannot think of the right word: um, well. Kining, kuan, Day! Ikúhà kug bir! Err, um, you. Bring me some beer; 1a. as a verb (with any affixes). Human nímu pagkuan, pánit, ímung kuanun, pikásun, aw kuanan úsà, hugásan, After you um, whatchamacallit, peel it, you, umm, cut it up, rather um, wash it. 2. word used to avoid saying a taboo word. Maáyung kusiun sa kuan, It would be nice to pinch her in the — you know (the genitalia). Pwirting kuánay níla, My how they were busy doing IT. pakuankúan v. pretend to be something Nagpakuankúan siyang dátù, He was pretending to be rich.