n. 1. class, kind. Primíra klási nga panaptun, First class cloth. Klási sa mananap, A kind of animal. Way mutagad ánang klasíha sa pagkatáwu, No one pays that sort of person any heed; v. classify, sort out by kind. Klasíha ning panaptun, Classify these pieces of cloth. ka- v. be of all different kinds. Nagkaklási lang ang táwu sa Karbun, There are all different types of persons at the Carbon market. klasiklási a. be all different kinds; v. put, be of various types or kinds. Magklasiklási giyud ang táwu, There are all different sorts of people. Klasiklasíha pagpalit ug utanun, Buy vegetables of various kinds.
n. 1. class of students. Klási sa mil nuybisyintus bayinti utsu, Class of 1928. 2. class session. Way klási maduminggu, There are no classes on Sundays; v. 1. hold, teach classes. Dì kita magklási ugmà kay pista upisiyal, We don’t have class tomorrow. It’s a legal holiday. Giklasíhan mi bísag nagbagyu, We held classes even though there was a typhoon. ka- n. classmate.