Meaning of kísaw



v. 1. make a soft, pleasant rustling sound. Mukísaw lang ang kalasangan ug huypun sa hángin, The forest rustles only when the wind blows through it. 2. disturb the water. Ayaw kisáwa ang túbig kay dúnay namasul, Don’t disturb the water because someone is fishing; 3. hum with activity. Magkísaw ang kusína ug mapista, The kitchen hums with activity during fiestas; 4. stir up, disturb the peace. Nakísaw ang ílang pamuyù sa parinting niípun, The relatives which moved in with them disturbed their peace; 4a. confuse someone’s mind. Usa ka dakung suliran mikísaw sa íyang kaisípan, A serious problem is disturbing his thoughts. Kisáwan kaáyu ku niánang dúwà nga madyung, I find mahjong very confusing; n. 1. sound of rustling or splashing; 2. activity; a. disturbing or confusing. ka- see kísaw, n.