v. 1. wriggle, move rapidly in a wriggling motion. Mikíriw ang íkug sa tùtù nga naputul, The house lizard’s tail squirmed when it was cut off. Tudlù nga nagkiriw sa tikla, Fingers that flew over the keyboard; 1a. cause something to move or wriggle about. Nagkíriw na lang mig agipu pag-ulì, We lighted our way home by shaking a glowing stick back and forth; 2. wriggle with the itch to do something Magkiriw sa pagsáyaw ang ákung tiil ug dúnay sunáta, My foot itches to dance when there is music; 3. steal something of little value. Bantáyi nang sinsilyu kay kiríwun unyà, Keep an eye on that change because someone might swipe it. -an(→) a. tending to swipe things.