pa- v. 1. allow someone to get the last word in a quarrel. Ngánung magpakíra man ku nga magulang man ku, Why should I let you get the last word in when I’m older than you are? 2. let oneself get left behind, outclassed by others. Dílì giyud siya pakíra sa urug, She won’t let herself get left behind by the fashion.
v. move or wobble rapidly back and forth or side to side. Nagkírà ku sa kúna pagtū́g sa bátà, I’m rocking the crib to make the baby sleep. Mikírà ang sakayan kay dagkù kaáyu ang bawud, The boat rocked because of the big waves. kiràkírà rock or wobble rapidly back and forth; n. rocking motion. síya nga — n. rocking chair.