v. 1. move, be on one’s tiptoes. Mukintu ang mubù arun makakità sa intabládu, The short person will stand on his tiptoes to see the stage. Magkintu ta paglakaw kay dúnay natúlug, Let’s walk on our tiptoes because there’s someone asleep; 2. be cautious, be extra wary of someone Magkintu giyud ming Tátay kay istriktu kaáyu, We are very circumspect with Dad because he is quite strict; n. high-heels. -in- see kintu, n.
1. fifth grade. Kútub ra ku sa kintu, I just went as far as the fifth grade; 2. fifth grader. Kintu na si Maríya, Maria is a fifth grader now. — distrítu n. fifth congressional district. — grádu n. fifth grade. — limbu n. a region bordering Hell, where souls of unbaptized children are consigned. Bísan ug magtágù ka sa kintu limbu, pangitáun ta giyud ka, Even if you hide in the fifth limbo, I’ll look for you; v. be in the fifth grade, be fifth in rank.