n. brink
n. side
n. side. Samad sa kílid ni Hisus, Wound on Jesus’ side. Ipapilit sa píkas kílid sa bungbung, Paste it on the other side of the wall; v. lean to one side. Mikílid (nakílid) ang barku paghampak sa bawud, The ship leaned to one side when the waves hit it. Nagkilid ang trák sa kadaghan sa pasahíru, The truck was leaning to one side because it was overloaded with passengers. Kilíra (ikílid) nang baril arun karútun ang túbig, Turn the barrel sideways so that the water can be scooped out to the last drop. (→) v. hit on the side. Nakilid pagsumbag si Humaw-as, Jumao-as was hit on the side. kiliran n. at one’s side. Milingkud ku sa kiliran sa masakitun, I sat beside the patient. hiN-(→) a. tending to be hit on the side.