adj. flippant
a. 1. restless and inclined to rowdy or bouncy actions. Nagsáyaw sila inubanan sa kiat nga tugtug, They danced to the bouncy music. Kiat ka man kaáyu dì nadam-ag, You jump about all the time so you slipped and fell; 1a. immodestly forward toward men. Dalì makúhà ang babáying kiat, One easily gets a loose woman; 2. doing something carelessly because one’s attention jumps to other matters. Wà magkadimáu paglútù kay kiat man kaáyu, The dinner came out awful because she was so careless and heedless; v. get to be rowdy, unreserved in manners or restlessly inattentive; a. get to be immodest, unreserved towards men. Nakiat siya tungud sa íyang pagkuyugkúyug ánang taga Manílà, She has become immodest due to her association with that girl from Manila. b. be intensely restless, careless or immodest. Mikíat lang paglakaw, binyáan ang dinung-ag, She just walked off without thinking what she was doing, leaving the food on the fire.