v. pull in something not stiff or push it with a sidewise motion. Láin ang magkayi sa báling, ang uban mamunit sa mga isdà, Some of them will pull in the net and the others will gather the fish. Kayiha (ikayi) ang túbig sa lamísa arun dílì mutúlù sa ímung páa, Wipe away the water on the table so it won’t drip on your legs.
n. piles of sand made by small sand crabs (agúkuy) along the beach or on tidal flats; v. for small crabs to dig up the sand or do like them. Magkaun ka, mu rag agúkuyng magkáyì kay daghang mumhu sa ímung atubángan, When you eat, you are like a sand crab digging up sand because you spill the rice all over the edge of the table.