n. candle
n. candle; v. use a candle. Walay kuryinti karung gabíi, magkandílà na lang ta, There will be no electric current tonight, so we’ll just use candles. paN- v. be like a candle; a. be standing like a candle, bare and stripped. Nangandílà ang kamaisan nga naagian sa dúlun, The corn stalks stood bare and stripped of everything after a swarm of locusts had passed over them. b. become skin and bones. Nangandílà siya sa kaguul, She is all skin and bones now because of her sorrows. c. be grades of one. Nangandílà ang mga grádu sa iskálar, The scholarship student got all one’s (A’s). 2. sell, make candles for sale. Nangandílà si Nánay pára nga makakitag kwarta, Mother makes (or sells) candles to earn money; 3. be kept standing for a long time. Haskang nakapangandílà nákug pinaábut nímu, My! I waited and waited for you. mag-r-(→), maN-r-(→) n. candle seller. -un a. shaped like a candle. Kandiláun siyag tudlù, She has long, slender fingers.