[pron., first person exclusive (me and someone else), topic or nominative case] we
pron. we
we (not including addressee). Kami mubáyad ug makagustu, We pay if we like it. mi short for kami. Dílì mi mubutar ni Markus, We will not vote for Marcos. námù 1. gen. Amahan námù, náa ka sa mga lángit..., Our Father, who art in heaven; 2. short for kanámù. kanámù dat. Ári kanámù ihátag, Give it to us. Ayaw língì kanámù, Don’t turn around to look at us. ámù preposed gen. 1. our. Ang ámung irù, Our dog. Ámung ibaligyà, We will sell it. 2. my place, at home. Si Pápa túa pa sa ámù, Dad is at home. taga- one from our place. Si Pídu taga-Karkar, dílì tagaámù, Pedo is from Carcar. He is not from our place; 3. the one that is ours. Ang inyung irù putì, ang ámù itum, Your dog is white, ours is black; 3a. ang — gud the thing that worries us. Ang ámù gud ug mahibalu sa plánu ang amahan, The thing that worries us is that the father will know of the plans; 4. (verb) ug ámù (do) by ourselves. Magdúwà mig ámù, We’ll play by ourselves; 5. sa ámù see kanámù. amúa see ámù. kamikámi n. 1. just us, no one special. Kamikámi ray naglútù áni, We cooked this ourselves; 2. — ra [nom. or dat.] be distantly related to us. Kamikámi ra si (ni) Markus, Marcos is distantly related to us. 3. — ra we are of the same caliber, age, in comparison. Kamikámi ra si Ríta ug abilidad sa mat, Rita and I are about the same in math; v. do something by ourselves. Nagkamikámi lang mig puyù áning gamayng balay, We’re just living by ourselves in this small house.