see kalùkalù. kalùkalù a. stupid, mentally defective. Sugúa lag simpling butang ang táwung kalùkalù, Give morons simple orders; v. become stupid, slow-witted; consider someone as such.
v. scoop out the top part of a liquid. Ikawù (kaw-a) ang buwà sa linung-ag, Scoop away the foam from the top of the boiling rice.
n. hat. — sa pitrumaks n. shade of pressure lantern; v. wear a hat, make into a hat. kalùkálù n. 1. glans penis (humorous). 2. conical cover for a chimney top; v. put up a conical cover over a chimney. Gikalùkalúan níyag sín ang panghaw, He put a conical cover made of iron sheeting on the smokestack.