(from búhì) n. 1. a pulsating thing located in the abdominal region which is what one feels when one experiences hyper-acidity or other sharp abdominal pains. The cause of these pains is thought to be the displacement of the kabúhì, most often in an upward direction, and treatment is by hot compresses and by massage (kalaykay) to put the kabúhì back in place. Misáka ákung kabúhì sa kutukutu, My kabúhì rose to under my rib cage; 2. this pulsating thing viewed as the seat of life. Unsang urása nabugtù ang íyang kabúhì? What time did he expire (lit. was his kabúhì broken off)? v. have pains because of the kabúhì. Gikabuhían (gikabúhì) aku, I have pains in the abdominal region. (→) see kabúhì, v. -un(→) a. tending to get pains caused by kabúhì.