1. expression of pause when speaker can’t think of the right word or is embarrassed. Buy, itúnul ang kuan, isti, ang piryudiku, Boy, pass the whatchamacallit, umm, the newspaper; 2. expression to correct or take back what one has just said. Si Imil, isti, si Lúkas paanhía, Emil, I mean, Lucas, have him come here. paistiisti v. put on a pretense of indifference to something one really likes. Ngánung nagpaistiisti kang gustu ka man diay? Why do you pretend you don’t like it when you really do?
n. the east piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus). 2. the dealer in a mahjong game; 3. the name given to the first round in a mahjong set until all four players have had a chance to be the dealer. It is followed by a second round which is called sur; v. 1. draw an east piece. Giistihan aku ug mau na lay ákung giwíting, I drew an east wind and that was what I needed to go mahjong; 2. be the dealer in a mahjong game.