Meaning of ispísu



a. 1. for liquids to be thick, of great density. Ispísu kaáyung sikwáti kay gidaghan níyag tablíya, The chocolate drink is thick because he put lots of chocolate on it. 2. for colors to be intense as if thickly laid on. Ispísu kaáyu ang kaitum sa balhíbu sa ákung iring, My cat’s hair is a deep black; 3. — nga (noun) a diehard, fanatic follower or believer of. Ispísu giyud nang Katuliku, He is a devout Catholic. Ispísung Usminyista, Diehard follower of Osmeña. 4. in phrases: — ug apdu brave (lit. having thick bile). — ug dugù a. having guts. b. heartless, merciless. — ug hambug laying bragging on thick; v. for liquids to become thick, cause them to do so. Muispísu (maispísu) ang sabaw ug butangag úbi, The soup will become thick if you add yams.