v. 1. scatter in all directions. Muislag nang duut sa isdà ug ímung labáyug batu, The school of fish will scatter if you throw a stone at them; 2. get scattered out such that it is impossible to gather. Naislag ang íyang mga anak sukad níyang gibyàbyáan ang panimalay, His children have taken to roaming ever since he abandoned his home; 3. run away from, flee from. Miislag sa syudad ang mga kawatan sa siya pay hípi sa kapulisan, The thieves fled from the city when he was the chief of police; 4. drive away. Islága ang mga máya sa humayan, Drive the birds away from the rice field; 5. drive away lonely feelings. Nangítà siyag trabáhu arun maislag ang mga kaláay sa íyang pag-inusára, She looked for a job to drive away loneliness.
v. pound rice, coarse corn grits for a second time. Islagi (islági) ring tipasiun, Pound this partly husked rice. -in-an(→) n. 1. coarse particles of ground or milled corn grits; 2. the portion of sifted rice left after winnowing out the husked grains. -an(→) see inislagan.