see usa (dialectal).
short for iása. see ása.
v. 1. raise, rise. Ang kadíti mauy nag-ísa sa bandílà, The cadet raised the flag. Miísa ang íyang kílay sa kahingangha, She raised her brows in surprise. Iísa (isáha) na ang báling, Hoist the nets; 2. increase in value, amount. Muísa (maísa) na sad ang prisyu, The price is going up again; 3. increase in degree, intensity. Muísa (maísa) dáyun nang íyang tíngug ug masukù, His voice rises when he is angry; 4. rise, raise in position. Nagkaisa ang íyang ranggu kay maáyu mang mutrabáhu, He is gradually rising in rank because he works well; n. increase in degree, quantity, value.
v. for a wound or skin ailment to develop water or watery pus. Dílì makaisà ang núka basta kanúnayng hunáran, The sore won’t secrete water if it is cleaned and dressed regularly.
short form: sà; 1. wait a second. Ísà pa kay pangutan-un pa nákù si Lurdis, Just a minute. I’ll ask Lourdes first. Ísà pa ha kay ákung tawgun, Just a second. I’ll call her; 1a. — ka run, You just wait. I’ll get you! 2. expression used upon changing a subject: by the way. Ísà pa, tagadiin tu ka? By the way, where did you say you come from?