v. 1. get employment. Nakaimpliyar siya sa gubyirnu, He was employed in the government service. Mauy impliyari ang dagkung kumpaníya, Get employed in a large company; 2. hire, employ. Dì siya muimpliyar ug minur diidad, They do not employ minors; 3. employ, put into practice what one has learned. Giimpliyar níya ang diyútayng kaálam sa dyúdu, He employed the little judo he knew. impliyáda n. female employee. impliyádu n. employee; v. get employed in a job. Sígi lag pangítag trabáhu hangtud maimpliyádu ka, Don’t quit looking for work until you get employment. Ang táwung way ambisyun mag-impliyádu lang hangtud sa pagkamatay, A man who has no ambition will work as an employee forever. Ang upisína giimpliyadúhan níyag upat, He employed four people in his office.