v. 1. have a watery diarrhea. Nakaigit ku, ábi kug utut lang tu, I thought I was just going to break wind, but I actually had a watery bowel movement. Giígit (nag-ígit) ku kay wà kahilísi, I have diarrhea because I have indigestion; 2. do something physical with difficulty. Makaigit man lang ta sa kabug-at niíni, We’re going to have a rough time (literally, defecate water) lifting this thing. (→) n. 1. soft feces; 2. stick-in-the-mud. Igit kaáyu nà siya uy. Dì mukúyug nákù sa parti, She is a stick-in-the-mud. She won’t go to the party with me. 3. — ra insignificant, nothing as compared with. Igit ra ka níyang mutayip, You’re nothing (lit. watery feces) compared to her when it comes to typing; 3a. expression of derision or contempt. Ábi níyag mahaylu ku sa íyang awtu. Igit! He thought I would be lured by his car. Shoot! Igít, wà na pud kaigù, You’re full of it! You missed again. kaigit-igit v. have extreme difficulty with something Nagkaigit-igit mi adtung iksamína, We had a hell of a time with that exam.