paN- v. 1. for a person to feel bad because someone else is shown more affection than he is, especially by being given something which he did not receive. Nangígi ang manghud kay ang magúlang ray gihatágan, The younger brother is jealous because he wasn’t given any but his older brother was; 2. be jealously possessive of someone Nangígi ang amahan sa dihang gipangulitawhan ang íyang anak, The father grew intensely possessive because someone was courting his daughter. igihan a. possessively jealous. Igihan ang ákung irù. Bisag kinsay mudúul nákù manuyù, My dog is intensely possessive. He gets angry if anyone comes near me.
v. drive someone away from the place he is staying. Mangígi bísan ug kaugalíngung anak, He would drive even his own son out. Kun dílì mu makabayad sa ábang karung buwána, igíhan mu na nákù, If you don’t pay the rent this month, I will evict you. igihan a. fond of driving people out.