Meaning of huswà



v. slowly pull off something that is around something else; pull off, come out. Kinsay naghuswà sa pánit nga gúma áring alambri? Who slipped the insulation off of this wire? Muhuswà (manghuswà) usáhay ang pánit sa bátang mga usa ka búlan sa maháyag, An infant’s skin sometimes peels off a month after it is born. Ug huswáun (ihuswà) ku ning ákung antipára, bulanun ang ákung tinan-awan, If I take my eyeglasses off, my vision will get dim. —ang katahum for a dressed-up woman to lose her beauty by doing something to spoil her looks. Muhuswà ang ímung katahum ug maglampásu kang nakaílis na, You won’t look nice any more if you scrub the floor after you have put on your good clothes.