v. 1. consume, use up all of something Tulu ka kílung asúkar ámung mahurut káda búwan, We consume three kilograms of sugar every month; 1a. run out of. Nahutdan mi ug gasulína, We ran out of gas; 2. do something to everything or everybody. Hutdun ta mu ug latigu, I will whip every one of you. Hutdan tag kúhag búnga ang mangga, Let’s take all the fruits on the mango tree. Ihurut ug hátag ang mga ituy, Give all the puppies away. (←) v. for everybody to go s.w. at one time. Naghúrut ang ámung mga mutsátsag pamista, All of our maids left us to go to the fiesta. -in- mustering, gathering. Hinurut ang íyang kusug gitikbas níya ang sawa, Mustering all his strength, he slashed at the snake. hutdanay, hinutdanay, hutdánay, hinutdánay n. something done to the end. Gustu ka diay ug láyug nga hutdanay sa kusug, So you want a fight to the finish. Hinutdánay giyud sa puhúnan nang ílang súgal, They gamble until one of them runs out of money. ka-un(→), kahutdanun n. state of being used up as an end effect. Walay kahurutun (kahutdanun) sa túbig kay kusug ang tubud, There’s no using up of the water because the spring flows strong.