n. 1. low tide; 2. see kinhasun. see kinhas; v. 1. for the tide to go out. Manginhas ta kun muhunas, Let’s gather shellfish when the tide is out. Nagkahunas (naghunas) na ang dágat, The tide is going out; 2. be stranded in low tide. Sayun dakpun ang isdang nahunsan, Fish are easy to catch when they are trapped by the low tide. pa- v. allow something to be trapped in the low tide; n. method of catching fish by getting them trapped in the low tide. paN- see panginhas. see kinhas. -an(←) n. tidal flats, the part of the seashore which is exposed to low tide. kinahunsan n. the lowest part of the tidal flat. kinhas listed under kinhas. -un(←) n. the ebbing of the sea. Sulug iniglíhuk sa hunásun, The current is strong during the ebb tide; v. for the sea to be ebbing.