v. 1. take off something one wears. Hubúa ang ímung sapátus, Take off your shoes. Gihubúan níla ang bag-ung pyánu sa íyang tabun, They took the cover off of the new piano; 2. — sa katungdánan, sutána resign from one’s duties, be relieved of duties. Maghúbù siya sa íyang sutána únà magminyù, He will resign from his priestly duties before he marries. Gihubúan siya sa íyang katungdánan, He was relieved of his duties. — sa Santu Ninyu n. the Friday following the feast of the Holy Child (held on a Sunday) during which the elaborate attire of the image is changed. pa- n. the dress that a bride wears after taking off her wedding dress. (→) a. 1. bare, naked. Hubung láwas, A naked body; 2. devoid or wanting in. Hubù sa mga mwiblis, Bare of furniture. Hubù sa pagláum, Devoid of hope; 3. simple, plain. Dì siya musúruy tungud sa hubù nga katarúngan nga wà siyay kwarta, He won’t go out for the simple reason that he has no money. hubùhúbù n. showing off nakedness. Salídang hubùhúbù, Film full of nude scenes; v. show off nakedness. -in-an(→) n. clothes that are too soiled to wear. Ihayhay ang ímung mga hinubuan arun mamala ang singut, Hang your soiled clothes up so that the perspiration will dry out. ka-(→) n. barrenness, being unadorned. Ang kahubù sa kinaiyáhan, Unadorned nature.