v. 1. dry up or drain liquids out. Mihubas na ang linung-ag, The rice water has evaporated. Nahubas ang sapà, The creek dried up. Hubsun nímu ang ákung lúhà, You’ll make me cry till I run out of tears. Nahubsan mi. Wà nay túbig ang tangki, We ran out of water and the tank is empty; 1a. maka- ug danaw having big feet (lit. that can dry up a pond by stepping into it). 2. for patience, luck to run out. Nagkahubas ang ákung paílub, My patience is wearing thin. Nahubsan ku sa pálad, My luck ran out. pa- n. method of catching fish by setting a trap in a place where water runs out, either in a tidal pool or in a stream where the flow is diverted; v. 1. catch fish by this method; 2. take care of rice, corn grits until they get cooked dry. Ikay pahubas sa linung-ag, Take care of (lit. let dry) the rice I am cooking.