Meaning of hitsu



a. 1. complete, having all parts intact. Dílì bitsu ning baráha, This is not a complete deck of cards. Hitsu nag ngípun ang bátà, The baby has all its teeth now; 2. having been fully furnished. Hitsu kaáyu ang ílang balay sa mga galamitun, Their house is fully furnished with utensils. Hitsu siya sa íyang libru, He has been furnished with all his books. — diritsu a. manner of ordering clothes from the tailor whereby the tailor supplies the cloth and the labor. Ang lukat sa tirnu nuybinta písus hitsu diritsu, The suit will cost ninety pesos, cloth included. kuntra — a. for a body or structure to be ill-proportioned. Kuntra hitsu siya kay tambuk unyà gamayg batíis, She is ill-proportioned; she is fat but has thin legs; v. complete a set, furnish complete. Kaanúgung giíhaw wà pa gánì mahitsu ang balhíbu, What a pity to kill it before it even grows big enough to have all its feathers. kahitsúhan, kahitsuan n. complete set of equipment for some occupation.