v. 1. touch, feel something with the hand or fingers. Muhíkap si Máma sa agtang sa gihilantan, Mother would feel the forehead of the feverish child. Kinsay naghíkap áring bungbung nga bag-ung pinintálan? Who touched this freshly painted wall? Átù kunung hikápun ug hinug na ba ning kaymítu, Let me touch this star apple to see if it is ripe yet; 2. use something which requires manual dexterity. Ambut ug antígu pa ba ku kay dúgayng wà ku makahíkap (makahikap) ug sista, I wonder if I still can do it. I haven’t touched the guitar in a long time; 3. touch, use someone else’s things without permission. Ayawg hikápa nang mga butang dílì ímu, Don’t touch other people’s things; 4. come to own something Wà pa giyud ku makahikap ug singkwinta písus tibuuk, I have never gotten my hands on a fifty-peso bill; 5. get hold of something to use it. Wà tay mahíkap nga magastu sa uspital, We don’t have access to any funds to pay for her hospitalization; 6. — sa dílì hilikápun scratch a part of the body that doesn’t itch out of frustration or in not knowing what to do. Bídang apikíha nákù sa kwarta. Makahíkap ta sa dílì hilikápun, My! I’m so short of money! I’m scratching my head, even though it doesn’t itch; 7. — sa lubut for something good to happen to someone to make him do something unwonted and particularly nice. Mibangkag paniudtu. Nakahikap dagway sa lubut, He treated us to lunch. something good must have happened to him; 8. — ug túbig get oneself wet. Dì siya muhíkap ug túbig ug náa níya, She doesn’t bathe when she menstruates. hikaphíkap v. twiddle or toy with something Naghikaphíkap si Dinsiyu sa íyang búngut, Dencio twiddled with his beard.