v. 1. take things off the stove, fire. Igkabúkal giyud haúna dáyun, When the water boils take it off the fire immediately; 2. bail one out of difficulties. Ang ímung pagtábang mau ray makaháun (makapaháun) kanákù sa kalisud ku karun, The only thing that can get me out of my difficulties is your help; n. action of taking things off the fire. Kada háun mulútù mig usa ka dusínang pán, We bake a dozen loaves at one time. bag-ung — 1. just recently produced. Way ikspiriyinsiya ang bag-ung háun, The new graduates have no experience. Bag-ung háung sista, A guitar just from the factory; 2. new model. Bag-ung háung kutsi, The newest model car. Bag-ung háung hirdu, The latest style of hairdo.