a. loose in a place inserted; v. for something to slip out of a place into which it was inserted. Mihaslù (nahaslù) lang ang singsing sa ákung tudlù, The ring just came off my finger. Haslúa ang sundang sa sakub, Pull the machete out of the sheath. haslùhaslù v. keep slipping out of, coming loose. Naghaslùhaslù ang ákung tiil sa luag nga sapátus, My shoes keep coming off my feet.
a. stupidly inept, tending to do things wrong. Haslù ka kay naglúgaw kag pinatisan, You sure don’t know what you’re doing, putting soy sauce in the porridge. Haslù nga pagkatupi. Daghang kabang, What an inept haircut. It was very unevenly done; v. be, become stupidly inept.
a. taking too much pride in one’s possessions. À kahaslù! Namungíngi man ang tudlù sa aláhas, My! She wants to show off so she puts on every ring she has! v. get to be too proud of possessions. Nahaslù siya sukad nadiswildu, She has started to become stuck up and to show off since she got a job. ka- n. excessive pride in possessions. Bisag wà nay ihungit nanginstulmin pa giyud ug pridyidir tungud sa ílang kahaslù, Even though they have nothing to eat, they have to buy a refrigerator on installment, just to show off.