v. 1. strip leaves off the stem or stalk. Nagharus kug kamunggay nga iságul sa útan, I’m stripping off kamunggay leaves to use as vegetables; 2. for a mechanism that engages to get stripped, get so it fails to engage. Naharus ang kambiyu maung dì na mukagat, The gears got stripped so that they won’t engage; 3. involve all in doing something Iharus (harusa) ug lábay sa bintánà ang mga butang, Throw everything out of the window; 3a. destroy, afflict all practically without exception. Ang lúnup nga miharus sa tanang kabalayan, The flood that destroyed all the houses. Naharus ming tanan ug kasakit ug plú, We were all sick with flu; 4. make a sweeping victory, reap all the victories in competitive activities. Ang ámung iskuylahan mauy miharus (nangharus) sa atlítik mit, Our school won a sweeping victory in the athletic meet. Giharus kami ni Tínung sa blakdyak, We all lost to Tinong in blackjack; a. for a mechanism to be stripped. Harus ug gusánu ang ruska, The screw has stripped threads.