a. 1. done carelessly such that if there is a finished product, it is rough, not well-prepared. Harasharas nga pagkalútù, way lamì, It is carelessly cooked, tasteless. Harasharas siyang mudrayib. Mu rag pituy kinabúhì, He drives carelessly as if he had seven lives; 2. coarse in behavior; v. 1. do something without much care. Giharasharas niya pagbúhat ang lamísa, He did a sloppy job in making the table; 2. fail to behave carefully, without proper circumspection. Nagharasharas siya sa taliwálà sa sulimning sirimunyas, He was misbehaving in the midst of the solemn ceremonies. Unsáun nátù pagtígum ug magharasharas ka paggastu? How can we save if you spend money without giving it any thought?