n. gambling game played with three of the old, large one-centavo coins which are tossed down simultaneously on a stone (antugan). The one who tosses bets all heads against someone who bets all tails. Bystanders may join in; v. play hantak. -an n. stone to throw the coins on. -an(→) n. 1. place where a game of hantak is held; 2. temporary place of abode. Inig-anhi námù sa Sibu hutil muy ámung hantakan, When we come to Cebu we stay in a hotel; v. 1. hang around a place. Adtu maghantakan ang mga buguy sa íyang tindáhan, The loafers hang around her store. Ang ámung nataran mauy gihantakanan sa mga pidikab, The pedicabs park in our yard; 2. stay, put s.w. temporarily. Átù lang ning ihantakan dinhig balíkun unyà, We’ll just leave this here temporarily and come back for it later. -anan(→) see -an, 2. -íru n. one who plays hantak.