v. 1. when something is put on top of something else, put something between the two things as a protection for the thing on top or the thing on the bottom. Úsà nímu plantsáha, hanigi ug panaptun, Protect it with a piece of cloth before you iron it. Waks pípar ang ihanig arun dílì mupilit, Line the bottom with wax paper so it won’t stick. Ug mupahuut ka sa íhi, hanigig tabla arun way dinukdukan, If you force the shaft in, buffer it with a piece of wood so there won’t be any hammer marks; 2. take food along with drinks as a buffer. Hanigi ug adúbu ang ram, Eat some pork before you drink rum; n. 1. something put between two things as a protection; 2. food taken along with drinks to line the stomach; 3. — sa impiyirnu a. one who leads someone to do wrong, from the notion that when the wrongdoer lands in hell, he will be there first to be, so to speak, the buffer. Ikaw muy hanig sa impiyirnu, kay ikaw may nagtudlù níya pagpangáwat, You’re his buffer in hell because you taught him to steal. b. matchmaker between illicit lovers who will go to hell first to act as a buffer for the couple which will end up in hell; v. be made a buffer in hell. Ang pagtitatíta muy makahanig (makapahanig) sa táwu sa impiyirnu basta may kabilinggan, Acting as a go-between will land you in hell if one of the two is married.