(from káyù) v. 1 ask for something, request as a favor. Hangyúa lang siyang muhulam kag kwarta, Ask him to let you borrow money. Kinsay átung hangyúan sa kwarta? Who shall we ask for the money? Dúna kuy ihangyù nímu, I have something to request of you; 1a. beseech, plead for. Mihangyù ang inahan nga luwasun ang íyang anak, The mother pleaded for her son’s life; 2. haggle the price down, ask the seller to let one have something at a lower price. Hangyúa ug písus ang búlig, Offer a peso for the whole bunch. Lisud hangyúan nang babayhána kay dì musíbug sa íyang prisyu, That woman is difficult to bargain with because she never lowers her price. Pilay ímung ihangyù? How much will you offer for it? 3. propose to a girl. Giáhak na! Manghangyù kag bálu! Are you crazy, proposing to a widow? 4. for the ball in basketball to make it into the basket after bouncing off the ring and threatening to miss (as if the ball begged to be allowed in). Miuntul ang búla sa ring unyà milígid kini ug misúd. Mihangyù pa giyud, The ball bounced off the ring then rolled into the basket. It scored, but only after begging to be let in; n. 1. request; 2. price offered. — lúbù see lúbù. -ánan n. person from whom one habitually buys small things on credit. -in-an n. something acquired or accomplished in bargaining. Paubsi ug písus ang prisyu pára may hinangyúan ku, Take a peso off the price so I have something to show for my pains in bargaining. -únun n. of one who needs to be approached and talked into giving approval or favors. Dì dáyun nà siya musugut sa ímung pangáyù, hangyuúnun pa, He does not easily grant requests. He needs to be begged.