Meaning of hangtud



until, up to a point in space or time. Hangtud sa pusti mga bayinti mitrus, It is about twenty meters up to the post. Mutrabáhu ku hangtud sa alas dus, I will work up to two o’clock. Gitursi ku íyang kamut hangtud nga mihílak siya, I twisted his arm until he cried; 2. — (noun), (pronoun) even, including (noun), (pronoun). Hangtud ikaw, nawad-an sa pagtáhud kanákù? Have you lost your respect for me too? — sa —, kahangtúran forever, till the end of time (said of things that could terminate but will not). Higugmáun ku siya hangtud sa hangtud (hangtud sa kahangtúran), I will love her till the end of time. sa — forever (said of things that cannot terminate). Mipahúlay siya sa hangtud, He was laid to his eternal rest; v. stay, last long. Ang baratung klási dílì muhangtud, The cheap kind doesn’t last. Dì ka hangtúran ug mutsatsa ug mauy ímung dinad-an, No maid will stay long with you if that’s how you handle them. sa kahangtúran to eternity. Sa usa ka butu ang kinabúhì nabanlud sa kahangtúran, He was blasted to eternity with one explosion. walay kahangtúran endless, eternal. Ang gugma ku nímu walay kahangtúran, My love for you is endless. Kasábà nga way kahangtúran, Scoldings without end.